Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Muhammad Hazlami AKA Kumar said...


I am a student from Singapore. I have been studying this issue closely from across the border, viewing it in many perspectives. However, it is unfortunate that I believe you are confused by the theological and historical aspect of the terminological use of Allah. To touch on the historical aspect of it, yes I do agree to your insightful historical review of the subject. However, clearly you must know that the context differs then and NOW. The context then, may I clarify, that Christians were called 'Ahlul Kitab', meaning the People of the Book. This is because at that moment there still exist few people who still follow the true teachings of Prophet Isa AS, and rejecting Trinity. That is the reason why Muhammad SAW mentioned about the marriage between them and Muslims, and their ability to carry out early Christian rituals that advocates monotheistic faith brought by Nabi Isa AS. However, in the context of the Present, you must know that Christianity itself has deviated far from the term 'Ahlul Kitab'. Thus, the context itself differs, and hence, we cannot use that as a proof to substantiate your support.

Theological wise, Allah is known by Malay Muslims as the One God, and not Trinity. Yes, you say about confident Muslims, and no one is interested in the clarity and understanding of it. That itself is a selfish claim undeniably. How can you compare your worldview with an illiterate fisherman who does not have the same intellectual capacity as you? We are talking about the worldview of Muslims, not yours as an individual. You must understand the context of 'ummah' as well.

It is less dangerous to know that you don't know (as syed farid al-attas says, people whom he categorises as cultural nominalists), but more dangerous for those who don't know that they don't know (liberal Muslims).

As the prophet SAW says, "Diam lebih baik daripada berkata."

This is to my understanding, a contextual affair for those who do not understand thoroughly a certain issue. Let us leave this issue to the theologians and ulamas who have the right authority. Wslm. :)

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