Mahathir Mohamad mencabar perdana menteri agar menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja bagi menyiasat dakwaan beliau menyelewengkan RM100 bilion sepanjang 22 tahun pentadbirannya.
I welcome Lim Kit Siang’s proposal for Najib to set up a royal commission on whether
I burned RM100 billion...during my 22-year reign,” said Dr Mahathir.
Such a commission, he said, should not be made up of government nominees, but should instead have as members “impeccable people including foreigners and members of Transparency International.”
He said the probe’s terms of reference should also include how RM270 billion of Petronas money, paid during Abdullah’s five-year term, was spent.
“It should include how much money was lost due to the cancellation of the crooked bridge and the Johore Baru to Padang Besar railway.”
He cited other projects during the Abdullah era which he said should be investigated.
woit… FIRAUN SUDAH TUDUH MENUDUH… kah kah kah…
kah kah kah…… BARRY WAIN KATA FIRAUN REMBAT 100 BILION…kah kah kah…
kah kah kah... FIRAUAN TUDUH MAT ZZZ REMBAT 270 BILION... kah kah kah..
kah kah kah… FIRAUAN DENGAN AUTA KELING… CUBA NAK LARI.. kah kah kah…
Tanpa Nama berkata...
Terror si Mat TDO! Dalam tempoh 5 tahun zzzzzz boleh rembat RM280B! Si Tua nak Mampos TKT dalam 22 tahun rembat baru RM100B.....hau hau hau..... Itu sebab enjin jet hilang kerana duit bo liau maka mat mongol rembat enjin jet?....1Mesia nanti kena jual!
Buka mata semua orang. Bapak Moden Malaysia, Madey sudah lesapkan RM100 bilion! Dia akan kata say buat semua itu demi negara, bangsa (nak mertabatkan orang Melayu) dan agama, sedangkan Tun Tidur pula akan panggil semua yang boleh dikutip lalu dia mengimankan solat dan akan juga berkata saya dah buat duit lesap kerana agama, bangsa dan negara dan juga kerana Ketuanan Melayu. Habis tu semua kena BIUS, polis, SPRM, Hakim dan PM sekali, tidakpula TT, Raja Petra, NGOs prorakyat; justeru tak perlulah ambil tindakan kerana ini punya kerja adalah terlalu rumit, lagipun kita bukan negara seperti Argentina, Chile, Korea Selatan, kita mirip Zimbabwe. Kita bawo Madey atau Pak Lah mengatuk ke mahkamah dia nanti buat nyanyuk, hakim kata buang keslah lebih elok sebelum jadi bahan gelak atau lelucon. Tengoklah kecuali PR ambil alih pentadbiran baru boleh harap sikit keadilan boleh diperolehi. Apo nak dikato!
yer la... doa Tuan Guru Nik Aziz mula menampakkan kesan positif....
kecut perut la najib dan grombolannya....
ini boleh diatasi.. dengan najib pula berdoa ..atau ulamak umno tersohor harussana harussini berdoa untuk jahanamkan pas......kah kah kah kah kah ...kita tengok doa siapa yang lebih power.......
siapa lebih dahulu jahanamm.....
yg lebih awal dah jahanam ialah altantuya......hahahahahahahah....
pa lagi saman..dok bising2 cam mamak goreng mee apa hal...
poodah..madey..ni..la ..tak da berkat mjadi pemimpin..umuq panjang..utk diperli dan dihina..oleh org yg kau tindas dan lupa..ingat jadi pemimpin bukan lah satu tugas yg mudah..
saman la tunggu apa lagi..tak menang nanti..duit haram ko habih cam tu saja..
INi cerita lagi bagus
Bila Mamak Tongang nak kena hantar balik Kerala, dia sudah naik angin.
Dia nak kawin dgn anak dara Tok Penghulu Sg Nibong kot. Tu pasai dia sudah angin
Apa macam??? Kena satu pinggan toseh dulu lah
Lepas tu baru kena nasi kandar tepi Mesjid Kpt Keling di Tanjung.
INi cerita menarik
Kita pun tak tau kata Petronas ada duit sampai 270 bilion???
Awat Cek tak habaq awai awai nuuuu.
Ni pakat dok buang oghang di Twin Tower pasai apa nu?
Awat pi ambik anak cina mana ka pin jaga minyak? Awat cek oiii? Tak dak ka geng geng anak mami ka .
atau anak tok sheikh ka anak tok syed jual mas di Tanjong boleh tolong jaga kot???
Ni dah jadi cerita Labu Labi
Mujuk Ahamd Nisfu dah tak dak
Kalau tidak jenuh sekali dengan Mahmud Jun tumpang sekaki nak fielm Melayu baru.
Anak Mak dan anak bapak Mapuih piii dok bedai dengan Omar Rojik.
Dengan tiba-tiba Abdullah Badawi songlap sampai RM280B. Pandai Mahathir nak alihkan pandangan. Kalau engkau betul2 berani Mahathir pe sue mat saleh yang tulis pasal kamu menyamun duit rakyat malaysia selama 22 tahun.
by SameSame - an hour ago
All I can say is; IF YOU ARE REALLY SO INNOCENT...SUE LA dont just cakap-cakap, show us la you so CLEAN Fella!!! Thats for sure not true..cos all and sundry knows that you are as clean as the Klang river. Enuff said, you know and we all know, the whole world know what you stand for. As much as you brought Malaysia to the map, you also brought her (Msia) to this state of corrupted, racial and disharmony.
by Mr.Anandha - 3 hours ago
It is a very good idea to establish the Royal Commission as suggested by TDM. The Royal Commision can be given very wide powers to investigate the matters falling under its terms of reference. The rakyat will learn a lot from its proceedings, as shown in the 2 previous commissions.TDM is entitled to his rights under the laws. Why make hue and cry about this?Why condemn him?He wants the rakyat to know every thing. I look forward to the revelations of behind the scene stories.
by jbss - 12 hours ago
The best defence is to take offence. He knows that the Royal Commission will never be established because (1) the suggestion came from a non-Amno source, (2) The terms of reference(set as a condition of his challenge) can never be met as it would open up the Pandora's box to incriminate the gomen of the day, (3) providing full access and disclosure of all accounts and documents(this is a no-no because there are just too many secret dealings that cannot be seen by the rakyat), and (4) foreign participants, which may not be Amno friendly. Hence, he threatens to sue, challenges to release the book and to hold Royal Commission on his own terms just to boost up his flagging image and waning morale.
by Tey Khang Fai - 14 hours ago
Ask Tun to sue, whats the problem? Afterall, LKS should said , I reserve my rights too, " to counterclaim " sue Tun as well. Dont tell me, Tun had never pocket one cent thru out his whole life when he is in Government? Tun, made a mistake here by asking Royal Commission to investigate Badawi too. Thats means, he and Badawi did abuse the funds too.
by cala - 15 hours ago
I agree with Dr Suresh Kumar. This old man is very cunning indeed. MM is telling the serving PM that if he dares to lift his finger on the former, another huge fiasco is looming in the horizon right away. And MM speaks with such gusto and style. Surely one does not need Lee Kuan Yew's brain to realize what has become of this once promising little tiger-- Malaysia. It is in the drain. Its more elderly tigers (Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong) have left it far away gasping for breathe.
by malayamuda - 16 hours ago
In malaysian court mahathir will win. even if he "loses", appeal court will over turn his guilt. if royal commission he will say he cant remember cos he is senile now....... its a lose lose situation. malaysia is F@#ked
by Bapak Toyol - 16 hours ago
Ambil tindakan Makamah, Mahathir mesti menang, as the courts are UMNO's servants.
by nil - 17 hours ago
The former PM should provide documents to counter the allegations against instead of defending himself with threats to sue, an often-used UNMO tactic....
by wira - 18 hours ago
A RCI will not yield anything from this intentionally amnesic old fox. The rakyat would also like to know why siblings and children of senior politicians are so bloody rich, starting from one of his sons.
by Geronimo - 20 hours ago
Well, at least good old doc did not say this matter confronting him was frivolous or he would not waste time on wild allegations. So, Najib and Rosmah, what are the both of you waiting for?
From CheDet blog:
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Not so long ago, in one of your blogs, you've condemned politicians whom used "summons" (budaya saman) to defend themselves rather than facing the accusations directly.
From my understanding (as what written up there), you've demanded that the royal commission to be set up accordingly, and any outcome of the commission, you'll still have the benefit to "pound" the accuser with "summons" so big that nobody wouldn't even dare to touch you anymore. Kettle calling pot black?
From the looks of it you're getting very desperate. This will only add more fuel to the conspiracy theory.
Hi Tun, the number of preconditions you set boggles the imagination. Why not take them all away as it looks like saying "yes, but no".
Truth is truth, so there is no need to worry if you had not done anything untoward. I hope to see you clear yourself. Also, I hope you will not suffer another lapse of temporary amnesia. Honestly, it didn't reflect too well, the last time you appeared at the Lingam Inquiry.