the star 23 August 2009
Dodgy degrees
baca la..or search google tajuk atas:
Other dubious institutions which are not in recognised accreditation registries include Connaught University, Pacific Western University, American Northeast State University, Western University, European University, Hill University, Rochville University and Buxton University.
> a Selangor Umno division chief who is also chairman of a local publishing group (MBA, Connaught University, UK);
> a Kedah Umno division head and Umno Supreme Council member who became a self-made millionaire after school (MBA, Preston University, US);
> a Perak DAP state assemblyman (Bachelor of Business Administration, Paramount University of Technology, US) ;
> a retired Royal Malaysian Police department director who is now serving in a government body (MBA, Newport University, US);
> a leading Chinese educationist with three PhDs (PhD, Kensington University, US);
> a celebrity motivational speaker who has set up a private college (MBA and Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), European Business School Cambridge of European Union);
> a top entrepreneur and chairman of one of Malaysia’s leading manufacturers (DBA, Irish International University); and
> a chairman of a local IT media company who was charged with furnishing false statement to the Bursa Malaysia (Bachelor of Science in Building Construction and Management, Connaught University, Ireland; MBA, North West London University, UK; and Doctorate of Philosophy in Business Administration, Pacific Western University, US).
2010 November 10 20:38
bawah ni pun ..... Ada lagi pendedahan doktor2 bogus ..... bagus lah untuk makluman semua ... kalau tidak ..... melayu2 semua asyik dok kena tipu idup2 dgn doktor2 palsu lagi penipu ni.
borneopeteliew said: 
Itu Musa Aman Khan pembesar Sabah pun tipu punya MBA dari Australia. Everyone knows Musa paid RM150,000 for the MBA he has now. Malu punya Pakistan. Harprak punya Pra. Anti Penipu said:
diana said:
Ada lagi depa kata ......... Orang politik memang suka berlagak. Walaupun sanggup menipu. Wak Satim Diman yang dulu keje makmal UPM pun dah bergelar Dr. |
People who constantly lie, cheat, having no conscience and overly egotistical are actually displaying characteristics of a sociopath. Beware of these types of personalities. For Fazley to have obtained a PhD at the age of 28? Give us a break! There are people who obtain dubious PhDs by paying, by mere association or by so-called donation to some foreign institutions just to be have the prefix" Dr " to their names. These people are truly shameless. I agree only medical doctors should be referred to as Dr so that the public are not confused. At the moment some PTD officers have PhD and they put Dr before their names and some of them are serving in the Ministry of Health... what a joke, they really fool the public and even ministers! And what more, some nurses and hospital assistants also have honorary PhDs and they also put Dr in front of their names, "memang tak sedar diri" fooling the public and themselves as well! In western countries even dentists and veterinarians do not put Dr to their names, in Malaysia they are all called doctors. People might call one of these pretenders to help when someone has a heart attack on the plane!
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, November 12th, 2010.
Strictly speaking those conferred with a Doctorate of Philosophiae or PhD are recognised in academic circles to be called as a Doctor. This however does not apply to Honoraris causa..... The question of bogus or not is another issue Regarding doctors or more aptly called physicians it is more a title of respect by society. Surgeons generally prefer to be called as " Mr" as I feel theyy feel being called a doctor is a bit belittling to their profession If this logic is extended in Malaysia architect are refer to as AR....... The thing is this country is so gila with "titles" The more you have the more it seems you are "respected. WE have all variations of Dato..... Tan Sri Tun....."As astro puts it...Macam2 ada" So let us not think about it and follow me to my water hole in brickfield for some great tody plus RM40 treatment :)
Submitted by GOUNDAMANI on Friday, November 12th, 2010.
the sad thing is that he lied to the whole nation. appear in TV3 and give talk as motivational speaker. in the end, he lied. oh my god, it is a shame and i don't know where to put his face. in the newspaper as a speaker and give talk to motivated people and students. fazley fazley oh fazley.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Only in Malaysia, this could happened. Tak malu langsung. There are more bogus Dr/Phd in the govt civil servants especially all those Datuks and Dept Heads.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Oh Fazley Yaacob, you bad bad boy. You ! I can't get over your blatant fraud, your mightily big, big ego, and how you betray your mum and dad in law this way. You like playing with snake and ladder games don't you. I like to play snake and ladder games too, but not the type you indulge in. Can you teach me how ? Oh bad, bad boy, you ! Mari - lah !
Submitted by Mak Aiyoh on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Fazley claims to have a DBA and not a PhD and if you go to the Website of his Bogus University (European Business School Cambridge, an offshoot of Irish International University), many people will be fooled to think that it is a Legit Uni. I went to the Irish International University preview about 10 years ago and I was almost fooled but the key word is almost cos I did my homework. Check with the High Commission, etc but how many people do it. Also Google Irish International University and you can see what I am talking about. This is the same story about one Mentri Besar who also claims to have a DBA from a Bogus American University, have proof of his Thesis, etc. Fazley could have honestly believed that his MBA and DBA are legit. Anyway Fazley has a big ego, naming the college after his own name, using the title 'Dr' and such a big ego attracts jealousy. My advice to all, unless you are a Medical Doctor, never use your title Dr. Esp if its only a DBA and ven if you are a PhD, don't use the title. Look at Alan Greenspan, Double PhD from Harvard. Even Academicans in the USA such as Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Volker don't use the title 'Dr' and how many peope knew that the ex BP CEO Tony Hayward who fumble during the recent Gulf Explosion had a PhD.
Submitted by derek on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Nobody in his right mind would believe his PhD was valid from the very beginning! Even after BBC and The Star exposed the Irish International University scam, Fazley continued making money out of his bogus doctorate. Fazley must apologise to all the kids he blatantly lied to. I hate it when ignorant and gullible "mahasiswa and mahasiswi" call him DOCTOR. What a disgrace to the academia.
Submitted by Ralf on Thursday, November 11th, 2010
To those who said that the BBC and the University of Wales are just out to get him, come on, WAKE UP!! Who in the world is Fazley Yaakob for the BBC and University to want to bring him down??? Hello!! He is a nobody. And this NOBODY just recently got exposed as nothing but a scammer with bogus credentials. What else is there to be said? He opens/runs a college, fine. He doesnt need to have qualifications to open/run the college (unless he's part of the teaching staff) but the fact that he's been going around posing with the title "DR" all these years and openly claiming that he's a motivational speaker for 11 years on his Twitter page, that itself is the issue. His integrity as a human being. I am so glad that this has been finally brought to light. For a person to have gained his degree, Masters and doctorate from the same institute who so happened to have been a bogus institution....come on, noone's that downright sh*tty when it comes to bad luck. If he was really there to study all 3 degrees then am sure he wouldve realized that the insitute DID NOT exist, unless of course, he was never physically there, never attended classes (obviously) and never submitted any thesis for his doctorate. With that said, there's no use defending him anymore. No one is "out to get him". The public should be grateful that BBC finally exposed this sham, if not, everyone wouldve been tricked for the rest of their lives!!! And to those who sent their kids to sure your children have had/are having a great education there, however, pray to God that the people on the teaching staff are properly qualified and did not falsify their credentials as well!
Submitted by Pomme on Thursday, November 11th, 2010
This Issue open a much bigger can of worms ... a) How did the MQA let something of this magnitude get past its audit? b) Yes, the MOE admits that the owner needs not have high credentials for the Institution to be endorsed, is this to cover up for another Malaysian Open University's owner who is not qualified but now a Honorary Doctorate? c) All the motivation courses that this "Doctor" gave especially on National TV 1 and TV 2, is already a sham. d) So how will about all the certificates released that this "Doctor" signed ... This will sure be one huge "recall" excercise
Submitted by Matricx on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Money matters. Anyway, these degree, Masters, PhD buying has long been in practice in Malaysia.
Submitted by Koling Ga Rayan on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
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