Thursday, November 12, 2009
Utusan Malaysia is the stupidest newspaper in the world - the proof
I laughed my head off. The mee rebus which I had for lunch is now threatening to make its way upward and later, outward.
Many Malaysians have given up with the mainstream media. That is because their so called responsible journalism entails nothing more than the act of extreme spinning of facts and events to suit their political masters or their own not-so-hidden agenda.
I have ceased reading the local newspapers for a long long time. I have for example, berated against the NST for their treatment of the Bersih rally some time ago.
Despite all the lies, untruth and skewed reporting that these newspapers have been carrying all these while, the Prime Minister recently saw it fit to hail Utusan Malaysia for, among others, "being the voice of the people".
Well, I now have proof that Utusan Malaysia is nothing more than a loyal servant of their political masters. I now have proof that Utusan Malaysia will not stop at almost anything in order to protect its political masters. For whatever is deemed necessary to protect its political masters, Utusan Malaysia would stoop as low as physic permits to do and execute. And that includes misrepresentations and even downright lying. It will even doctor photographs!
The thing is this. They are not even good at doing it!! To lie and misrepresent an event is something. But to do it in a really stupid way is another thing altogether. Do Utusan Malaysia think that all of us, Malaysians, are as stupid as themselves?
We are in a globalisation era. We are in the cyber era. We are not in the 60s or 70s anymore. Nowadays, stupidity is easily exposed.
What am I ranting and raving about?
Well, I received an e mail from a friend of mine just now. It contained a picture of an event which took place on 9.11.2009. The same picture was published by many local newspapers while reporting the same event.
As the story goes, a man in his 70s was arrested for allegedly killing his wife.
The following picture was published by Berita Harian:
This was in the Star:
And this was in Harian Metro:
Notice the blue umbrella? That umbrella has the Barisan Nasional emblem on it. Quite obviously, that umbrella was distributed by the Barisan Nasional during some kind of election as it has the "vote-BN" emblem on it.
Utusan Malaysia, thinking that the stupid masses of Malaysia might equate Barisan Nasional to a person arrested for an alleged murder because of that blue umbrella, quickly exercised its responsible journalistic discretion by DOCTORING the same photograph and published the same in its report as follows:
This is my proof that Utusan Malaysia is the stupidest newspaper in the whole world!
Reference to their Utusan Malaysia report as per below:
Enggan bercerai: Lelaki tikam isteri
Lelaki warga emas berusia 70-an dibawa oleh dua anggota polis selepas beliau didakwa menikam isterinya, Zabedah Ali, 73, di perut sehingga menyebabkan kematian wanita itu (mayatnya ditutup dengan kain di bawah payung) di Kampung Kuala Sungai, Mukim Kubang Rotan, Alor Setar, semalam. – UTUSAN/ISMAIL KAMADIN |
Insiden di Kampung Kuala Sungai, Mukim Kubang Rotan itu berpunca daripada rasa kecewa dan marah suami berusia 70-an itu kerana isterinya tidak henti-henti meminta diceraikan.
Sebelum kejadian, suspek dikatakan cuba memujuk wanita tersebut untuk terus bersamanya dan naik berang apabila isterinya enggan berbuat demikian.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 1 petang itu, warga emas tersebut dipercayai menggunakan sebilah pisau sepanjang 15 sentimeter untuk menikam perut Zabedah Ali, 73.
Suspek enggan melepaskan isterinya kerana dia mahu menghabiskan sisa-sisa hidupnya bersama wanita yang pernah berkahwin beberapa kali itu.
Bagaimanapun, isteri suspek tetap memohon untuk bercerai kerana tidak tahan dengan sikap suspek yang terlalu cemburu.
Suspek yang tinggal di Kuala Kedah dikatakan datang menemui isterinya sejak semalam dipercayai cuba memujuknya agar tidak meneruskan hasrat untuk bercerai.
Suspek juga dipercayai enggan menceraikan isterinya kerana bimbang isterinya itu akan berkahwin dengan lelaki lain.
Bapa saudara kepada mangsa, Mustapha Ahmad, 80, berkata, dia terus ke rumah anak saudaranya selepas dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian itu oleh penduduk kampung.
"Suspek tidak lagi tinggal dengan isterinya selepas Hari Raya Aidilfitri lalu kerana mereka sekarang dalam proses penceraian," katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian di sini hari ini.
Jelasnya, suspek juga pernah berkata kepada isterinya, jika tidak boleh bersama lebih baik jika mereka mati bersama.
"Setelah menikam isterinya, suspek cuba menikam isterinya buat kali kedua namun anak tiri Zabedah yang berada di tempat kejadian sempat menghalang dan merampas pisau dari tangannya.
"Selepas itu, suspek cuba melarikan diri namun dapat ditahan oleh penduduk kampung," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Kota Setar, Asisten Komisioner Abdul Ghafar Rajab ketika dihubungi mengesahkan kejadian itu dan berkata, lelaki warga emas itu disiasat di bawah Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan.
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