Sunday, February 8, 2009


JUST CEREMONIAL POWERS - that's what written by our Perak Sultan (then when he wrote a book during his tenure as the Lord President).

read this:

written by lunas oh lunaih, February 08, 2009 16:45:47

`Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted the Agong would not withold his consent to a request for dissolution of Parliament. His role is purely formal'

per Raja Azlan Shah, Constitutional Monarchy, Rule Of Law and Good Governance.

[Terjermahan secara harfiah: Di dalam keadaan biasa, Agong tidak boleh menahan dari memberikan perkenannya diatas permintaan untuk membubarkan Parlimen. Kewajiban tersebut semata-mata bersifat formaliti.]

Petikan diatas di pungut dari sebuah buku yang mana penulisnya bukan kepalang manusia. Penulisnya pernah menjadi, inter alia, Ketua Hakim Negara (Lord President), Yang Di Pertuan Agong dan sekarang ini seorang Sultan di Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan (teman saya sdr L ManKadir Samsi, dalam blognya menyebut sebagai Darul Rasuah). Buku tersebut menyerlahkan sifat kecendiakawanan (intellectuallity) sang penulis yang cukup hebat.
another by another commentor:
written by confuseus, February 08, 2009 17:09:41
Good idea but RPK can never be a good politician because he is not a snake.
But RPK can set up an Ombudsman Office under Royal patronage.
How about it, Sir RPK ??

OMBUDSMAN: HISTORY and DEVELOPMENT. The modern use of the term began in Sweden, with the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted in 1809, to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch. A prototype of ombudsmen may have flourished in China during the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), and in Korea during the Joseon Dynasty The Romans may have also grappled with the problem However, it was the example of the second Muslim Caliph, Umar (634-644) and the concept of Qadi al-Qadat (developed in Islamic law), which influenced the Swedish King, Charles XII. In 1713, fresh from self-exile in Turkey, Charles XII created the Office of Supreme Ombudsman, which soon became the Chancellor of Justice.[1] A parallel institution, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, was later established by the Riksdag, and it was this that the Scandinavian countries subsequently molded into its contemporary form. In general, "ombudsman" refers to a state official appointed to provide a check on government activity in the interests of the citizen, and to oversee the investigation of complaints of improper government activity against the citizen The major advantage of an ombudsman is that he or she examines complaints from outside the offending state institution, thus avoiding the conflicts of interest inherent in self-policing.

Am trying to find time to write something abt it.
Yet another one:
How the Hell on Earth can we determine ones heart? high or low quality? These are Human Failings that no one can detect. Human nature is such that every actions there is a reason. Majority money power. Don't curse the rakyat who are innocent and want justice and fairness.

Stop Apologising on behalf on the Sultan of Perak. Allah will deal with him. Meanwhile pre signed undated legal documents have a lot of issues with Malaysia Legal Judiciary. If the Judgement is against these valid legal warned of the Rush of Business to GET OUT OF MALAYSIA. Already I have heard from sources of cancelled contracts. Malaysia Law NOt Reliable!!..Low Quality Laws!

QUICKLY MOVE MONEY TO OVERSEAS BANKS tomorrow until this issues is determined.

Lastly What the Hell is EC acting like a Judiciary Court?? Is Malaysia Systems so Stuffed that this ex-Lord President did not know.? Is not what you did at the Beginning that make one great, its how you Finish. All power and money will not buy you after life....Perak Sultan have moved from HERO to ZERO!! You need to ask AMPUN RAKYAT...Beribu-ribu AMPUN!!
[Harap belajar dari Sejarah] dan juga dari sebuah buku:
- Constitutional Monarchy, Rule Of Law and Good Governance - oleh Raja Azlan Shah (sendiri).
So, now the power of the Sultan/s (even the YDP Agong) are JUST CEREMONIAL POWERS - whereby his/their role/s are purely formal - i.e. 'semata-mata bersifat formaliti'.
Itulah masyarakat Melayu kita ... dari sejak dulu hinggalah sekarang.
Yang susahnya Melayu sejak dari dulu lagi tidak mahu membuang (menyingkir (discard) terus budaya yang dah lapuk lagi bertentangan dengan agama Islam yang kita anuti. Contoh yang paling ketara: Melayu selepas kemasukan pengaruh Islam dan sejak sekian lama dari zaman pemerintahan kesultanan Melaka lagi - masih ghairah mengamalkan adat tradisi ugama dan budaya Hindu seperti adat 'bersanding diatas pelamin' dengan upacara yang membuang masa iaitu upacara majlis merinjis dan menepung-tawar pasangan pengantin yang sedang bersanding diatas pelamin. Itu sememangnya adat dan budaya Hindu yang bertentangan dengan tuntutan agama Islam. Akan tetapi masyarakat Melayu kita tetap tegar dan tidak mahu buang atau mengenepikannya (for good).
Begitu juga dengan sistem beraja iaitu sistem kesultanan zaman terkini (mutakhir) - yang bukan lagi sama seperti dizaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka dulunya atau juga yang sama sejenis dengannya. Masa itu - raja (sultan) memang mempunyai kuasa mutlak sepenuhnnya. Jika seseorang raja atau sultan bertindak sebagai seorang raja yang adil (mengikut lunas-lunas Islam) baginda tidak akan dengan sewenang-wenangnya bertindak sendirian tanpa nasihat orang2 kanan baginda seperti Bendahara atau memanda menteri. Sudah tentu baginda akan mempertimbangkan atas nasihat2 para2 pembesar istana yang waras lagi mengikut hukum hakam Islam.
Namun, jika sekiranya raja atau sultan bertindak atas kuasa mutlak yang ada padanya (dengan tanpa merujuk kepada sesiapa - iaitu mengikut nafsu amarah dan kerakusan hatinya - maka dia akan terus saja membuat keputusan menghukum tanpa usul periksa lagi. Juga adakalanya baginda tidak langsung menerima nasihat para pembesar malah dimanupulasi pulak oleh pakar2 pembesar yang memulakan konsprasi dalam kalangan istana. Banyak peristiwa2 menyayat hati dan tragedi berlaku dikalangan istana akibat kerakusan raja2 atau sultan2 yang bertindak liar menghukum mereka2 yang tidak berdosa (tanpa usul periksa).
Ya! Dulu lain..... memang dulu lain.
Sekarang lain.
Bacalah buku yang ditulis oleh Tuanku Raja Azlan sendiri.

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