Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ustazah SitiNurBohsia

  1. adiputra
    Februari 18, 2010 at 4:39 am | #1

    Salam, nak mencelah sikit pasal ustazah tu, ustazah tu memang patut pun dibuat laporan polis, kalau boleh kita malukan dia, gua tak suka tentang penjelasan kawin secara berpoligami ni, penerangan dia selalu mengelirukan, pernah beliau menjelaskan tentang berkahwin secara bepoligami ni seumpama merampas kebahagiaan orang lain, berdosa, seolah-olah berpogilami ni sesuatu yang haram dan salah disisi agama islam, ustazah ni ustazah cap kepala ayam kot, dia pi belajar hukum agama kat mana, kat negeri mana, sapa gurunya, pandangannya tentang poligami seolah-olah besar, hei ustazah yang tak berapa cerdik, awak pi belajar lagi tentang ilmu agama dan khususnya bab poligami ni, pas tu baru jadi ustazah yang boleh dipercayai, u takut ye suami mu kawin lagi tu pasal lu bagi kenyataan yang macam tu

  2. Februari 20, 2010 at 5:20 am | #2


  3. Mac 15, 2010 at 7:51 am | #3

    Salam sya pun geram gak bla bca blog pasai u.bahyah ni.tah papa tol dia ni.dia dh t,lalu over bwa kuaq fakta.ramai la y xsuka dia tmbh2′semanis kurma’ nampk over nk peluk2 suami dia.napa dia jd mcm 2 ek?tlg bg pndapt ckt.

  4. xpochex
    Julai 17, 2010 at 12:22 pm | #4

    to bro mal..bro awk ade sediakn sijil kursus kahwin skali x?..inculding hiv test dan yg sewktu dgn nyer.sye nk beli la,bleh adjustkn x?

  5. asfathur
    November 14, 2010 at 10:18 pm | #5

    biar r.dorg. harap dorg sedar k,salah dorg

  6. mandy
    Disember 9, 2010 at 2:32 pm | #6


Mufti Perak kena kutuk memanjang


14 Ulasan - Tunjukkan Catatan Asal Runtuhkan ulasan

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Anwar sorang saj ka bertaubat... Najib tak suruh bertaubat jugak ka... Mahathir tak nak bertaubat sekali ka....macam mana pulak dgn menteri rogol amah, menteri pukul org, menteri raba bontot,menteri bawak lari duit, menteri besar curi duit rakyat....hahahahaha kantoi...

2011 Januari 20 17:40

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Ini Mufti Ufti,Mufti ini akan bercakap bila Ufti sudah masyukkk....
Akan keluarkan Fatwa bila oksigen kurang masuk ke otakkkk.

2011 Januari 20 18:14

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Memang itu salah satu amalan baik tegur menegur antara sesama Islam.
Kenapa hanya untuk Anwar sahaja dan mithalnya Najib,suaminya dan lain2 lagi.
Ini Mufti cari makan dan kesenangan dunia dan seeloknya letak jawatan masuk politik.
Orang macam ni Sultan lantik jadi Mufti......

2011 Januari 20 18:48

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Tuan Mufti.
Kalau pluralisma berbahaya pada agama, bagaimana pula dgn assabiyyah?
Apa saja yg raja kita buat adalah betul, walau pun mencabul amanah pilihan rakyat.

Bagaimana pula ttg ulamak bisu, yg tak berani bersuara tentang judi, pusat dangdut dll? Tak berani bersuara sepatah pun ttg tak segera mengebumikan mayat,Sila rujuk kes mayat raja negeri sembilan dan selangor. Atau pun mayat raja2 ni ada ke istemewaan sikit, di kecualikan dari segera dikebumikan?.

Tak kan hanya bersuara ttg haid dan nifas saja tok mufti.

2011 Januari 20 18:48

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

jamil khir sudah ketak kaki.harus sunat makruh haram sani sedang teropong tempat jamil khir.
apa khabar kes yang murtad hampir 200,000 dulu tu.apa khabar dato kapal layar tu.sani kah bohong atau kapal layar kah bohong atau semua kaki bohong.

2011 Januari 20 18:50

Tanpa Nama 1Crony berkata...

As Salam Bro TT. Haram Jadah Tua ni dahulu keluarkan kenyataan yang kontroversi mengatakan ratusan ribu umat Islam di Malaya kini dah murtad (termasuk anak saudara beliau sendiri di Singapura). Setelah diberi amaran keras akan didakwa sekiranya ........, maka syaratnya adalah mesti menjadi babun UMNO, dulu, kini dan selamanya. Sebab itulah dia meracau tak tentu hala macam tok bilal nak tercirit dalam kain pulikat. Si tua laknat ini bukannya kira apa dah, jauh sekali takutkan dosa dan pahala, janji kedudukan dan periuk nasi beliau sentiasa penuh. Dalam perbandingan ini, aku rasa Bro TT jauh lebih berkredibiliti dan ikhlas daripada Haram Jadah Tua tu...

2011 Januari 20 19:09

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Bro, ni ko pny blog jgk ke ape?
Dah ade blog buatan cina ke ape ni

2011 Januari 20 19:19

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Salam Bro,

Bila lar si harussanasani nak letak jawatan...Nyampah tahap gila gaban ..aku kat dia...senang bebeno keje nye..
setakat keluar surathkabar sebulan sekali cita pasal halal, haram, taubat...apa punye mufti daa..

Campak batu..pastu sembunyi muka..sianwar yang matanye nampak..sinajis haram dgn toya dan budak itam tu..simpan cerita bawah bantal ..baik punye lipat!!
Rais entot amah..baik punye cilok!

Anak bini 7 keturunan nunggu duit bapak tiap bulan je...sembahyang tongang tungek..ilmu agama takat tu jee....Explore lar sikit tok sani oiii!!

Harap dapat ehsan ni le jadi mufti patung...Mlm bangun tahajud, nangis2 konon..hamba insan yang lemah...memang lah lemah bodoh! Tak menjadi mufti yang hebat pun..mufti merembat ada lar!!

2011 Januari 20 20:13

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

ulama' su'

2011 Januari 20 20:45

Tanpa Nama bunbinban berkata...

madey hina Rasulullah S.A.W takde plak bangkai ni tegur. Rasuah dlm UMNO( di paggil politik wang) takde plak salah silap di mata bangkai ni. Anak2 MP dan menteri hidup lebeh omputih dari omputih pejam mata je bangkai ni. Berbomoh berpawang tak di tegurnya bangkai ni. Dia ni pilih neraka ke surga?. Atau dah dpt surga dunia maka surga akhirat kira kompem dpt?. Nak tegur, tegur semua bkn berpilih-pilih. Maksum sungguh org UMNO agaknya bagi pandangan bangkai ni. Jgn nnt masyarakat ludah muka tu bila jumpa.

2011 Januari 20 20:50

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Si Celaka Harussani ni adalah seorang Taliban. Kita patut hantar dia duduk bersama Osama bin Ladin didalam gua kat Afghanistan.

2011 Januari 20 21:07

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

patut difatwakan si najib pi batu cave,tikam batu,jalan sekerat,sp untuk rayakan lord murugan,nak buat kereta kabel lagi bagi bik mama dapat hadir sama,untung menjadi hindu tak minta pun dapat,kjaan bagi.perkasa,pujida,geng songkok tinggi,geng kepala lembu tahu ngaga aje,berani dengan pas dan pkr aje.guana broheng ali dah jadi wali ke senyap sunyi la ni.

2011 Januari 20 21:09

Tanpa Nama suis-media berkata...

Assalam Tuan

2011 Januari 20 22:22

Tanpa Nama Tanpa Nama berkata...

Semua boleh beri komen disini..berhati2..macam musang berbulu babi pun ada ni..mufti pun nak dihentam..kesian..jarum dah masuk lubang tu..bergaduhlah sesama sendiri..lagi dan lagi..yang untung puak yang itu juga!

2011 Januari 20 23:09

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bogus Dr ..... itu sudah tidak bagus

Other comments ..... re Dr Fazley (the bogus Dr (fool of sampah):


Yup. Infact the Msian Govt shld further expose all those bogus degree obtained with some sort of payment. There have been instances where ppl obtained a degree without attending the course even. And these person climbed up the corporate ladder using such fake degree. Companies shld also verify that these degrees (or whatever paper qualifications are genuine ). These paper qualifications come with some transcript even. See how sick ppl make money fr desperate ppl.

Submitted by Pp Rzk on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
What a douche..

Submitted by Please stop the nonsense on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Lol @ defending this douchebag. This twat can't even speak English properly, what makes people think he has any chance at getting a doctorate in anything?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Seems that lesson never learnt!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
It is Fazley's own problem and own doing. Let him defend himself and clarify. For a long while many have considered his credibility and credentials as suspect and this should be treated as if one is applying for a job with a bogus degree. BBC is doing the nation a good service as if this expose was done from a local then it would not get any mention of the media. Fazley does not need others to help explain his situation here. However, a resignation can be seen as an indirect admission of guilt and indicates that his position is no longer tenable. Let's just see how this will turn out.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
discredit him? haha. thanx a bunch. u just kick started my weekend. joke of the week. hands down. u sure u're not Dr. anonymous ah? haha. best la u ni. i like

Submitted by adha on Friday, November 12th, 2010.
All this while I have high regards for Fazley. Thinking that he is a highly-educated celebrity. Please prove that your degree, master, phD are not bogus and that you really earned these qualifications. Did you went through a proper way of obtaining your education & qualifications?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Still hoping that he could turn it around? Fact: Irish international university is bogus i.e. just pay to get your cert and no need to study. Fact: He received his credentials from there/ or affiliate of Irish IU. Fact: He called himself "Dr". You can already make your own conclusion....

Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, November 12th, 2010.
Don't be fooled, there was many degrees flooding couple of years back. Rich people often go overseas and come back with bogus degrees!

Submitted by Vigilante on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Personally i think the university of wales and BBC are just out to discredit Fazley himself and perhaps maybe have so much ego that they have to personally attack FIC. They could also just want to shoot down anything that has to do with Malaysia. If they only have concern on Fazley's credentials why not just tell the FIC, make it closed doors and then maybe let our own malaysian news to present the story. They don't even care to do background study on Fazley. I see this not only as an attack on 1 person but an attack on the whole nation. Even if Fazley's credentials are bogus, the way the news paints the FIC and the person itself is wrong. I have a personal grudge with westerners esp British people. They think they are so much better than us Asians. I have worked with them and I know what it's like to be looked down upon.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
an attack on the whole nation? seriously? i think the university of wales is being questioned of its partner selection process more than anything. it amazes me how our people think sometimes. sigh..

Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
"They think they are so much better than us Asians. I have worked with them and I know what it's like to be looked down upon" so true!!!!! brits and ams are similar in nature ~ they have no respect towards others

Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Ohh you poor deluded man, how could anyone concur with such a pitiful and ignorant viewpoint.

Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Oh please! I'm glad he and his bogus degrees have been exposed. I knew from the beginning that something was wrong - who gets a Masters degree and PhD from Cambridge University in such a short time anyway? I should HOPE the University Of Wales is out to discredit Fazley! Whilst just being an investor/owner of a college doesn't require you to have any specific qualifications except a good head for business i find his actions insulting to those of us who actually worked our behinds off to get our degrees. Why should the BBC take the issue behind closed doors when it was 'Dr' Fazley himself who was flouting his so-called qualifications in all the local media. Would the local media have presented the story (of his bogus degrees ) any differently? I hope not. The University Of Wales is perfectly within their rights to be furious with Fazley. He was not truthful. After all it's their reputation as a world renowned academic institution that is on the line. Just because he is Malaysian shouldn't make him immune to being held to a higher standard. Why should we Malaysians not be taken to task when we do wrong? If we are willing to (relish even, as we do in coffee shops all over the country!) criticize citizens of other countries for things that we perceive they do wrong then we must be ready to accept their criticisms of our citizens who do the same.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
ur kidding...right?

Submitted by budgie on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
the time has come now to check all private colleges if they really are to the mark....wats the point of having various divisions in the ministry of education if they didnt "see" this problem at the onset and take necessary action( unless the colleges hv some "super powers" protecting them Who are the real losers?..... the "ignorant students" and the general reputation of this country Lincoln is right in saying that there are fools born every minute

Submitted by GOUNDAMANI on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
I study there, they run the college well, offering an international degree & providing us a good education Why does the caption say he is the Principal? We students thought he was just an investor and an ordinary director, We would have loved him to be our lecturer, unfortunately he never taught on the programme.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Why and what would you want to learn from a person who has bogus credentials ?. You students are supposed to study in the college and not attend a concert. How shallow can you be?.

Submitted by Desi on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Appreciate that the singer has resigned to safeguard the college, years of hard work has gone into it. It goes to show that he can stand up in the face of adversity!! How many people have we seen who take responsibility and step down, counts for good character??

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
He didn't resign out of any noble reasons. He only resigned because his deception was exposed. Same as a politician who resigns when caught with his pants down!

Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
jaguh kampung.

Submitted by moor on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
What the hell? How did he got the license?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Isn't this Fazley also someone's (high up in the nation's political ladder) wife's son-in-law? He is married to that someone's daughter with her previous husband.

Submitted by anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
so? is that matter?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Yup, that someone high up is also a husband to the wife of the uncle of some ladder climber. They also have a college for climbers and a ladder making factory. The cousin of the son is also the neighbour of a singer/songwriter who also writes novel and malay drama scripts. There you have it............

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
Oh come on. This is getting interesting. Pray tell!

Submitted by Abang Besar on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Is she the one who has injected so many botox to her face that she no longer has any expression on her face? Plasticzilla?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.
well said....hehehe

Submitted by GOUNDAMANI on Thursday, November 11th, 2010.
Can't you just tell us who they are instead of this 'ladder and snake' stuffs?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Gambar Mekah terkini
Posted on Tuesday, November 09 @ 21:11:14 PST
Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu

Luar Negara Oleh: blalang

"Gambar Mekah terkini pada musim haji 2010. Sungguh bertuah kepada mereka yang dijemput Allah menjadi tetamuNya.

Mamak tipu Melayu .... memanjang Melayu2 semua dok kena tipu



diri sendiri tak ada ijazah
malas belajar beli ijazah
buat kolej ajar ekonomi
ada ilmu akounting ada aljibra
ada dacing ada neracha
untuk timbang ijazah jual kati kah kah kah


The University of Wales announced it had suspended its involvement with Fazley International College, pending investigation - BBC LONDON

A Malaysian pop star with a bogus doctorate has been running a college offering University of Wales degree courses, a BBC investigation shows.

A Bangkok college that Thai authorities say has been operating illegally, is also offering courses leading to degrees from the Welsh institution.

Week in Week Out examined the way in which the University of Wales validated courses in overseas institutions.

The university said it was dealing "thoroughly" with the issues raised.

The programme revealed that Fazley Yaakob, who runs the Fazley International College (FICO) in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, was claiming to have both a masters and a doctorate in business administration. But both came from a bogus university.

The pop star, who has four hit albums to his name, claimed the qualifications from the European Business School (Cambridge), an offshoot of the Irish International University, which was exposed as a sham by the BBC in 2008.

“We are not happy about what is happening, we are dealing with it and will deal with it very thoroughly and will learn lessons from what has happened”.

Professor Nigel Palastanga said the University of Wales did not ask about his credentials, which were displayed prominently on the college website until he was confronted by BBC Wales' education correspondent Ciaran Jenkins in Kuala Lumpur.

Professor Nigel Palastanga, pro vice chancellor at the University of Wales, said the university was "concerned" about the issues raised in the programme.

"We are not happy about what is happening, we are dealing with it and will deal with it very thoroughly and will learn lessons from what has happened," he said.

The University of Wales announced it had suspended its involvement with Fazley International College, and would take no new admissions to its business administration and MBA courses until the matter had been investigated.



kah kah kah... MUKA MACAM BURIT AYAM .... ADA NIAT NAK ADA IJAZAH... kah kah kah..

woit... KALAU NAK IJAZAH... BELAJAR LAAA.... kah kah kah...
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

Anda nak tahu biodata Dr Fazley Yaakob? Ini dia:

nama penuhnya adalah Dr. Ahmad Fadzli Yaakob
sering menggunakan nama Fazley Yaakob sebagai nama glamer.
Lahir pada 18 April 1978 di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
penceramah motivasi bebas yang juga merupakan penyanyi, pelakon, penggubah lagu dan pengacara

Pengarah Eksekutif di Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) KL.
Pengarah Urusan Seri Anjungseri Production.
Pengarah Eksekutif dan pengasas Fazley International College
Kolumnis tetap yang bertugas menghasilkan artikel-artikel motivasi untuk berbagai media cetak mainstream seperti E-Baca, Mangga, Skor SPM, Remaja dan Utusan Malaysia.

Memegang Diploma dari Taylor’s College
Ijazah Sarjana Muda dari Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
memegang Ijazah Sarjana (Master) Pentadbiran Perniagaan dari United Kingdom,
memegang Ijazah Kedoktoran (Doctor of Business Administration) dari United Kingdom.

Doktor bogus ke bagus

Tanpa Nama berkata...

the star 23 August 2009
Dodgy degrees

baca la..or search google tajuk atas:
Other dubious institutions which are not in recognised accreditation registries include Connaught University, Pacific Western University, American Northeast State University, Western University, European University, Hill University, Rochville University and Buxton University.

> a Selangor Umno division chief who is also chairman of a local publishing group (MBA, Connaught University, UK);

> a Kedah Umno division head and Umno Supreme Council member who became a self-made millionaire after school (MBA, Preston University, US);

> a Perak DAP state assemblyman (Bachelor of Business Administration, Paramount University of Technology, US) ;

> a retired Royal Malaysian Police department director who is now serving in a government body (MBA, Newport University, US);

> a leading Chinese educationist with three PhDs (PhD, Kensington University, US);

> a celebrity motivational speaker who has set up a private college (MBA and Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), European Business School Cambridge of European Union);

> a top entrepreneur and chairman of one of Malaysia’s leading manufacturers (DBA, Irish International University); and

> a chairman of a local IT media company who was charged with furnishing false statement to the Bursa Malaysia (Bachelor of Science in Building Construction and Management, Connaught University, Ireland; MBA, North West London University, UK; and Doctorate of Philosophy in Business Administration, Pacific Western University, US).

2010 November 10 20:38

bawah ni pun ..... Ada lagi pendedahan doktor2 bogus ..... bagus lah untuk makluman semua ... kalau tidak ..... melayu2 semua asyik dok kena tipu idup2 dgn doktor2 palsu lagi penipu ni.

borneopeteliew said: _

Itu Musa Aman Khan pembesar Sabah pun tipu punya MBA dari Australia. Everyone knows Musa paid RM150,000 for the MBA he has now. Malu punya Pakistan. Harprak punya Pra.

Anti Penipu said: _


Ijazah "PhD" atau "DBA" yang PALSU turut dimiliki oleh:
- Lim Kok Wing (Tan Sri yang panggil dirinya Professor)
- Fazley (penyanyi dan anak Dato Yaacob PWTC yang tak abis2 gelar diri Dr)
- Irfan Khairi (jutawan internet)
- dan ramai lagi... jom dedahkan..

Pokok-pangkalnya, kita boleh respek dan berbangga dengan usaha2 korang yang baik, tapi janganlah rosakkan usaha2 yang baik itu dengan memalsukan kelulusan atau gelaran korang.. buruk perangai kalau macam tu.. korang tu dah ada kelebihan masing2 dah, so nape nak dicalitkan dengan penipuan pulak.. hampeh betoi..

diana said: _

"Dr" Irfan Khairy mendakwa dpt ijazah CDBA dari OXIM. Nak tipu pun pandai2 la bang. Tu bukan ijazah la tapi sijil perakuan (certified) yg mengatakan "Dr" Irfan sbg pemegang ijazah DBA. Sijil CDBA tu boleh dpt dgn membayar yuran keahlian seumur hidup 600 pounds utk menjadi ahli OXIM dan dgn syarat ada ijazah kedoktoran. jadi persoalannya dari mana "dr" Irfan dpt ijazah DBA dia????? Irish cam Fazley jugak ke? hahaha!!!

hai... senang betul org kita ni kena tipu.

Ada lagi depa kata .........

Orang politik memang suka berlagak. Walaupun sanggup menipu. Wak Satim Diman yang dulu keje makmal UPM pun dah bergelar Dr.

Tahniah wakil rakyat PR kerana dah jadi sepandai Wak Satim.

People who constantly lie, cheat, having no conscience and overly egotistical are actually displaying characteristics of a sociopath. Beware of these types of personalities. For Fazley to have obtained a PhD at the age of 28? Give us a break! There are people who obtain dubious PhDs by paying, by mere association or by so-called donation to some foreign institutions just to be have the prefix" Dr " to their names. These people are truly shameless. I agree only medical doctors should be referred to as Dr so that the public are not confused. At the moment some PTD officers have PhD and they put Dr before their names and some of them are serving in the Ministry of Health... what a joke, they really fool the public and even ministers! And what more, some nurses and hospital assistants also have honorary PhDs and they also put Dr in front of their names, "memang tak sedar diri" fooling the public and themselves as well! In western countries even dentists and veterinarians do not put Dr to their names, in Malaysia they are all called doctors. People might call one of these pretenders to help when someone has a heart attack on the plane!

Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, November 12th, 2010.

Strictly speaking those conferred with a Doctorate of Philosophiae or PhD are recognised in academic circles to be called as a Doctor. This however does not apply to Honoraris causa..... The question of bogus or not is another issue Regarding doctors or more aptly called physicians it is more a title of respect by society. Surgeons generally prefer to be called as " Mr" as I feel theyy feel being called a doctor is a bit belittling to their profession If this logic is extended in Malaysia architect are refer to as AR....... The thing is this country is so gila with "titles" The more you have the more it seems you are "respected. WE have all variations of Dato..... Tan Sri Tun....."As astro puts it...Macam2 ada" So let us not think about it and follow me to my water hole in brickfield for some great tody plus RM40 treatment :)

Submitted by GOUNDAMANI on Friday, November 12th, 2010.

the sad thing is that he lied to the whole nation. appear in TV3 and give talk as motivational speaker. in the end, he lied. oh my god, it is a shame and i don't know where to put his face. in the newspaper as a speaker and give talk to motivated people and students. fazley fazley oh fazley.
Only in Malaysia, this could happened. Tak malu langsung. There are more bogus Dr/Phd in the govt civil servants especially all those Datuks and Dept Heads.
Oh Fazley Yaacob, you bad bad boy. You ! I can't get over your blatant fraud, your mightily big, big ego, and how you betray your mum and dad in law this way. You like playing with snake and ladder games don't you. I like to play snake and ladder games too, but not the type you indulge in. Can you teach me how ? Oh bad, bad boy, you ! Mari - lah !
Fazley claims to have a DBA and not a PhD and if you go to the Website of his Bogus University (European Business School Cambridge, an offshoot of Irish International University), many people will be fooled to think that it is a Legit Uni. I went to the Irish International University preview about 10 years ago and I was almost fooled but the key word is almost cos I did my homework. Check with the High Commission, etc but how many people do it. Also Google Irish International University and you can see what I am talking about. This is the same story about one Mentri Besar who also claims to have a DBA from a Bogus American University, have proof of his Thesis, etc. Fazley could have honestly believed that his MBA and DBA are legit. Anyway Fazley has a big ego, naming the college after his own name, using the title 'Dr' and such a big ego attracts jealousy. My advice to all, unless you are a Medical Doctor, never use your title Dr. Esp if its only a DBA and ven if you are a PhD, don't use the title. Look at Alan Greenspan, Double PhD from Harvard. Even Academicans in the USA such as Paul Krugman, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Volker don't use the title 'Dr' and how many peope knew that the ex BP CEO Tony Hayward who fumble during the recent Gulf Explosion had a PhD.
Nobody in his right mind would believe his PhD was valid from the very beginning! Even after BBC and The Star exposed the Irish International University scam, Fazley continued making money out of his bogus doctorate. Fazley must apologise to all the kids he blatantly lied to. I hate it when ignorant and gullible "mahasiswa and mahasiswi" call him DOCTOR. What a disgrace to the academia.
To those who said that the BBC and the University of Wales are just out to get him, come on, WAKE UP!! Who in the world is Fazley Yaakob for the BBC and University to want to bring him down??? Hello!! He is a nobody. And this NOBODY just recently got exposed as nothing but a scammer with bogus credentials. What else is there to be said? He opens/runs a college, fine. He doesnt need to have qualifications to open/run the college (unless he's part of the teaching staff) but the fact that he's been going around posing with the title "DR" all these years and openly claiming that he's a motivational speaker for 11 years on his Twitter page, that itself is the issue. His integrity as a human being. I am so glad that this has been finally brought to light. For a person to have gained his degree, Masters and doctorate from the same institute who so happened to have been a bogus institution....come on, noone's that downright sh*tty when it comes to bad luck. If he was really there to study all 3 degrees then am sure he wouldve realized that the insitute DID NOT exist, unless of course, he was never physically there, never attended classes (obviously) and never submitted any thesis for his doctorate. With that said, there's no use defending him anymore. No one is "out to get him". The public should be grateful that BBC finally exposed this sham, if not, everyone wouldve been tricked for the rest of their lives!!! And to those who sent their kids to sure your children have had/are having a great education there, however, pray to God that the people on the teaching staff are properly qualified and did not falsify their credentials as well!
This Issue open a much bigger can of worms ... a) How did the MQA let something of this magnitude get past its audit? b) Yes, the MOE admits that the owner needs not have high credentials for the Institution to be endorsed, is this to cover up for another Malaysian Open University's owner who is not qualified but now a Honorary Doctorate? c) All the motivation courses that this "Doctor" gave especially on National TV 1 and TV 2, is already a sham. d) So how will about all the certificates released that this "Doctor" signed ... This will sure be one huge "recall" excercise

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tanyalah ustaz - dahi berbekas2 punyalah kuat sembahyang

Ada sesetengah yg nak menunjuk2 yg depa tu kuat sembahyang ....... sampai dahi masing2 nampak berbekas2 (kulit pada dahi depa nampak mcm gelap sikit ... nak kata lebam ..... tak lebam). Itu alamatnya dok tonyoh dahi masing2 semasa bersujud..... sakan punya lama dok tonyoh2 sambil dok berdoa ..... dan mungkin juga ada yg baca ayat2 Quran yg panjang2 atau berulang2kali baca ayat2 Quran ..... nakkan tambah pahala kot ..... entahlah masing2 pandai2 sendiri .... jawab depa .... itu antara depa dgn Tuhan (Allah) ...... .... kan sembahyang tu kita sebagai hamba Allah sedang mengadap Allah..... sujud tu adalah aksi menyembah Allah dgn menonyoh2 dahi ..... lagi lama lagi lah afdal ........ bila dah naik berbekas dahi ..... barulah ada dia punya tanda2 dan dalil2 serta bukti kukuh yg dia tu kuat sembahyang.

Ada juga yg dok tanya melalui panggilan telefon (dlm siaran 'Tanyalah ustaz' di TV9) tentang hal dok baca ayat2 Quran ketika bersujud ..... (itu yg jadi lama sebab ayat yg dibaca tu panjang2) ........dan itu jawabnya ......depa tu buat ikut suka pandai masing2 lah (padahal bukanya pandai .... tapi bodoh lah yg nampak ... Pada hal benda tak patut .... dan sembahyang pulak dikira tak sah .... dah silap lah sembahyangnya bila pi dok baca ayat2 Quran semasa dalam keadaan bersujud ....... ni jenis sembahyang tak ikut 'rule' nih! Main hentam saja ......Benda tak patut di buat depa pi buat .... apa punya bodoh .... itulah pakai main ikut-ikutan memanjang...... Melayu banyak macam tu .... jenis 'herd mentality'.

Nampaknya mungkin ada orang akan anggap jenis yg dok nampak bekas2 kena tonyoh kat dahi depa tu ...... jenis sembahyang pi dok baca ayat2 suci alQuran (bila ianya memang jadi silap dan tidak sah lah sembahyang dia) ..... Kalau mcm ni orang boleh tergelak didalam hati masing2 bila tertengok dahi2 berbekas bagi orang yg galak nak tunujuk yg dia tu kuat sembahyang ..... pada hal sembahyang tak betoi ...... BUAT ORANG GELAK saja lah.

Kadang2 kita sendiri heran bila bersembahyang berjemaah di mesjid ...... imam dah habis dah sujud ..... tengok2 si makmum dok sujud punya sujud tak habis2 lagi ....... makmum2 lain dah bangun semua dah ..... ini bukan berjemaah namanya ni ..... pasai tidak mengikut imam. Baik hang sembahyang sorang2 .... hang nak sujud pi la tungging terbalik .... tungging buyung sekalipun .... tu antara hang dgn Tuhan ....... atau hang nak sujud sampai tersungkoq .... tertidoq ...... tergolek sekalipun tak lah mengganggu makmum2 lain. Itu ......Hang punya pasal laaaaa......