Friday, September 18, 2009




ADA DUA SEBAB ..... SAMA ADA .........






Ini berkaitan dengan yang dibawah ni:


Untuk renungan Shamsul Gagau, Os nan ngang & Din Beboroi,

Hangpa dok gebang pasai "tabi'at" pagi Ahad hari tu .......
macam mana si Os nan ngang yg dok jaja yg dia tu MCKK (kununnya Melayu Cerodek Kualor Kangsor) dok bangkit pasai istilah sebutan "tebiat" tak sama dgn "tabi'at" ..... padahal "tebiat" tu sama dgn "tabi'at" jugak la. Cuma "tebiat" ni ....setengah2 Melayu kita bercakap atau bertutur dgn gaya loghat bahasa pasar (bahasa kampung yg sebenaor2nya) - iaitu bahasa colloquial..... istilah "tebiat" tu mana ada terdapat dlm kamus pun? ..... cuba hangpa selak kamus tengok .... ada ka tak istilah 'tebiat' tu ? Bila tak ada dlm kamus ... jawabnya 'tebiat' tu hanya kita guna masa bercakap saja ... bahasa 'cakap mulut' kata orang ... bahasa colloquial lah tu .......
Oleh itu ..... Hangpa tak boleh kata yg "tabi'at" dgn "tebiat" tu lain maksudnya .... padahal sama.

Bila dlm cakap2 mulut selalu kita sebut "dia ni buang tebiat ke?" .... juga sering di percepatkan seperti ..... "hang ni dah betebiat ke?" .... bahasa 'short-cut' kerap kita selalu dok gunapakai dlm percakapan harian. Maksud " buang tebiat" .... ataupun dgn lebih tepat "buang tabi'at" bermaksud .... dah buang tabi'at buruk ka? .... atau dah buang tabi'at lama ka? .... itu timbul yg baru ni ... itu lah tabi'at yg tak pernah dilakukannya dulu.... pasai dah bertukar perangai yg luar dari kebiasaan ...... itu yg bermaksud "buang tabi'at" ... atau juga dengan bahasa "short-cut" ...."buang tebiat" atau 'betebiat' bunyi _expression nya.

Example: ..... macam misal kata kawan kita lah dengan tiba2 dengan tak semena2 bersikap amat bersopan santun sekali (tidak seperti dulu2nya dimana dia ni jenis tak reti hormat orang) ...... maka akan tersentaklah dikalangan kita (kawan yg rapat dengannya) akan tingkah lakunya yg agak luar daripada kebiasaannya ... maka itu yg sering kita lontarkan ...."hai! dah buang tebiat ke?" ... maksud disini "....dah buang tabi'at lama dia dah ka?". (tabi'at buruk lah selalunya)

Bahasa atau istilah2 yg kerap diguna pada pertuturan harian (cakap mulut) sering di pendekkan atau diringkaskan (bertujuan untuk mempercepatkan sebutan). Macam disebelah utara (Kedah, Perlis, Penang/Seberang Prai dan termasuk Perak utara) penggunaan bahasa "short-cut" memang amat ketara ....... misalnya:

hangpa ...... asal dari dua perkataan .... "hang apa" .... dipendekkan jadi .... "hangpa" (bukan hampa (sekam padi) macam sesetengah orang sangka).

depa ....... asal dari dua perkataan ...... "dia apa" ... di pendekkan atau direngkaskan jadi "depa".

sapa .... asalnya dari "siapa" ... dipendekkan juga .... kerana nak cepat sebut.

Cuba kita kaji balik macam mana boleh timbul ungkapan yg amat popular di utara ..... "pi mai pi mai dok tang tu jugak" ...... atau "pi mai pi mai tang tu" .....

pi ..... asal dari perkataan ..."pergi" ... nak dipendekkan lagi ..... maka jadi ...."pi"..

begitu juga dgn "mai" ..... asal dari perkataan ....... "mari" ........ dipendekkan .... jadi ...."mai".

dok ..... asal dari perkataan ......"dudok" ..... dipendekkan .... jadilah ....."dok".

tang .... pulak ... asal dari perkataan "tentang" bermaksud menunjuk arah tempat ... di pendekkan .... jadi ....."tang".

tu ..... asal dari "itu" ..... dipendekkan .... jadi .... "tu".

ni ..... pulak asal dari "ini" ..... jadi ... "ni".

begitu jugak dgn sebutan "la" .... asal daripada "kala'" .... contoh: "di kala ini" .... sering disebut .... "la ni".

"sat" ... pulak dari perkataan "sesaat" .... dipendekkan ... jadi "sat"..... contoh: "tunggu sesaat" ..... sebutan ringkas .... "tunggu sat" ..... (bermaksud ....."wait a second").

Itu pasai hangpa jangan dok asyik bercakap bergebang main hentam ikut suka hangpa saja. Ini bukan gebang di kedai kopi. Gebang di kedai kopi boleh laaaa .... sama2 hangpa saja yg terlibat. Ini hangpa dok gebang bagi semua masyarakat penonton dok dengar .... nanti orang anggap hangpa tu bengap punya jenis ..... hangpa gaduh .... naik melenting plak ....

Ada ka plak sampai tabi'at dgn tebiat pun tak tau. Melayu apa kalau lagu tu? Kalau tak tau ....yanya lah orang yang tau ....jangan main redah ... rodong ... rempuh ikut dan saja! Kalau tak begitu pasti (not so sure) ...... buat kajian lah dulu ...buat research ... buat homework ... sebelum hangpa nak bawak berbincang di depan kamera tv .... jangan main redah saja ..... kerana bila hangpa dok gebang depan kamera ... ini bermakna hangpa dok sedang bergebang depan khalayak ... dimana beribu2 malah berjuta orang dapat menonton dan memperhatikan tindak tanduk dan tingkah laku hangpa semua. So, berhati2lah .... jika tidak kalu ... kita orang nanti anggap hangpa tu tak secerdik seperti yg disangka.

Itu laaaa ..... kalau tak tahu .... tak hendak bertanya .... ingatkan diri tu dah pandai ..... tak ke bikin malu? kalau dah bikin silap macam tu ...... walaupun sekecik pasir sebutir ...
Jangan jadi macam si Os nan ngang tu selalu dok jaja diri dia tu MCKK bermaksud Melayu Cerodek Kualor Kangsor (walaupun secara bergurau) ...... tapi dalam bentuk gurau juga nanti MCKK akan bertukaq jadi Melayu Congong Kualor Kangsor pulak ..... MCKK jugak laaa.

Jangan maghah 'aaa Mister Os?


YA! ANTARA 'KETUANAN MELAYU' & 'KELANUNAN MELAYU' (aka LANUN MELAYU lah tu) - tiada beza nya dgn ...... dalam lain perkataan



Sudin berkata...

kah,kah,kah......apalah nasib ketuanan melayu ni.....

woit.....Nadzimuddin ! bukankah lu pun ada pistol ?
Apa tembak itu Raja Muda Johor selesai cerita......

Lepas tu lu pi cari itu patail,musa hassan,madey, mat monggol kasi tembak dia orang punya kepala....mesti kes selesai......

Kah,kah,kah......apalah nasib ketuanan melayu ni !

Ada Raja,keturunan lanun.....
pekak pulak tu.....
Hari-hari duduk celah kangkang bini......

Ada PM,pembunuh pulak......
Kekal dalam ingatan keturunan PM pembunuh.......anak cucu tanggung,eh...keturunan ni tahu bahasa malu kah ?

Ada Ketua Polis,kepala penyangak,kepala judi,kepala rumah sundal,kepala samseng dan along....bukan mahu tolong tapi mahu potong.....kah,kah,kah....
Bapa dikatakan pakar baca Quran,tetapi sendiri tidak tahu yang mula masuk neraka ialah ahli baca kitab......kah,kah,kah...nasib lu lah hasssan lah orang pertama yang masuk neraka seperti digambarkan oleh hadis...pakar kitab !!!!!!

Ada peguam negara,asyik nak makan je kerjanya.....sapu kiri kanan.

Ada ulamak,dah jadi ular.....itu tak boleh ini tak boleh.....kah,kah,kah....tapi dia pakai merz masterpiece tak apa.....kah,kah,kah.....harussani namanya....ulamak setan pukimak....

Kah,kah,kah....semuanya dari keturunan ketuanan melayu Umno/Bn pukimak setan.....

Kah,kah,kah...rakyat nak cari 30ringgit pun susah.....ini orang gaduh pasal duit dan burit kepala jubor........kah,kah,kah......

Woit.....isham ! ini hali laya gua ada sedih......

pinggang pun sudah tarak berapa kuat untuk cari buluh lemang........

Gua ada ingat mahu main mercun jenis C4 kat putrajaya....kasi letup itu kepala lanun semua bangsa pukimak setan ahli gerombolan setan Umno/Bn.....!!!!

Sebab ini ketua semua kasi susah sama gua dan orang lain.....nak beli beras pulut satu gantang sudah dekat sebelas ringgit.....puki tiang najib.

2009 September 18 14:10

Monday, September 14, 2009


written by Siapabohong, September 14, 2009 21:41:30

Inilah caranya nak jadi jutawan pada usia muda!
Bila dah jadi jutawan dapat perhatian, layanan dan penghargaan dari masyarakat!
Boleh berkepit-kepit sesama jutawan dengan gaya hebat masing-masing!
Bukankah kita juga yang menggalakkan ini?
Kita puja dan pandang tinggi pada jutawan!
Kita dibuai-buai dengan motivasi untuk menjadi jutawan yang berkereta besar, rumah besar, gaya besar, isteri atau suami pun besar!
Kerana keinginan nak jadi jutawan membuak-membuak akibat dibuai-buaikan motivasi maka dilaksanakan rancangan menjadi jutawan
tak kira macam mana asalkan tercapai. Matlamat mengatasi moral maka tak kira sama ada haram atau halal lantak saja!
Inilah dia jutawan-jutawan yang telah menipu kita semua!
Kenapakah kita nak agong-agongkan jutawan sebegini!
Kenapakah kita beri penghargaan tinggi kepada jutawan-jutawan sebegini!
Orang sederhana dan jujur tidak ada tempat ke?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Bukan nak mempertikaikan keunggulan Diva no: 1 Malaysia - Anita Sarawak - dimana Anita bersama pasangannya Abang Mahathir diletakkan di anaktangga PERTAMA. Tetapi atas dasar apa atau kriteria mana bagi menentukan sesuatu penilaian yg di buat oleh pihak TV9 dalam menyenaraikan carta2 yg di buat paparan pada sesuatu pemilihan atas topik tajuk tertentu? Ini nampak macam ianya seolah2 membuat apa yg dikemukakan oleh TV9 tu sesuatu yg sahih benar dan tepat serta muktamad belaka. IYE KE NI? BETUL KE NI? BOLEH PICAYA KE? BOLEH PAKAI KE TV9 PUNYA LIST NI?

JANGAN CONFIDENT SANGAT especially pada si hos yg nampak terlampau2 over-excited sangat (tapi I nampak mcm dia tu over-sexcited - sexy la u) dalam memberi analisa dan penjelasan yg tidak meyakinkan langsung tu.

Padahal ianya banyak boleh DIPERTIKAIKAN dan boleh DISANGKAL dgn begitu mudah, jelas dan nyata.
Awak2 di TV9 TIDAK PUNYA HAK DAN KUASA MUTLAK UNTUK MEMBERI KATAPUTUS DIATAS SESUATU KEPUTUSAN yang melibatkan sesuatu fakta yg sudah termaktub dgn rekod2 yg sudah sedia ada. Sebab itulah .... pengkajian teliti harus di buat sebelum sesuatu itu hendak di utarakan ..... home-work .... home-work juga perlu. Jangan pandang remeh .... Jangan pandang enteng .....Jangan pandang ringan .... Jangan ambil mudah. Kerana ini semua melibatkan fakta..

JANGAN MAIN IKUT SUKA .... SESUKA HATI PIHAK TERTENTU SAHAJA. Ia akan memutar-belitkan fakta sebenar.

Berbalik kpd topik tajuk pasangan artis tempatan yg berkahwin dgn warga asing .......jika 'kebahagiaan' di ambilkira (dan sememangnya pun dalam hubungan ini iaitu hubungan pasangan suami-isteri .... sudah tentu kriteria ini amat relevan sekali - iaitu 'kebahagiaan'). Namun kebahagiaan yg dikecapi oleh pasangan Anita Sarawak bersama Abang Mahathirnya hanyalah baru 9 tahun .... jika dibandingkan dgn pasangan Datuk Shake yg sudah sekian lama (lebih dari 22 atau 23 tahun bersama di alam rumahtangga bersama pasangan warga asing). Adakah ini tidak melayakkan beliau berada di anaktangga PERTAMA?
Amat pelik sekali jika beliau dgn pasangannya berada di anaktangga yg tidak sepatutnya. Dalam senarai kesembilan artis2 pilihan TV9 itu - hanya Datuk Shake seorang sahaja yg kekal lama sehingga sekarang - sehingga ke anak cucu. Beliau sudah mempunyai 5 orang cucu setakat bulan Mei tahun 2007. Bukankah itu suatu peningkatan ketahap yg boleh kita simpulkan "SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE"? Sudah tentu sekali. Justeru itu, sememangnya tahap beliau di anaktangga PERTAMA tidak harus di sangsi dan di ragukan lagi ..... kerana Datuk Shake bukan sembarangan orang. Seorang individu Malaysia yg meningkat naik atas daya usaha keringat beliau sendiri. Inilah satu contoh insan cemerlang gemilang dan terbilang. Record shows..

Itu satu contoh yg paling jelas dan ketara. Dan pada yang lain2nya juga harus di ambilkira sama seperti proses yg diamalkan secara ikhlas, jujur dan tulin. Ini barulah dapat memberi KEYAKINAN SEPENUHNYA kepada sesiapa saja tanpa boleh dipersoalkan & dipertikaikan lagi.

Jangan jatuhkan taraf (standard) stesen TV9 kepada tahap yg tersangat daif dan rendah dimata penonton dan khalayak umum.
It reflects the 'penerbit' as well as the whole tv station i.e. TV9 itself.

Jadikan TV9 betul2 'di HATI' penonton ..... bukan disebaliknya ..... MENYAKITKAN HATI penonton sahaja.

Untuk perhatian pihak berkenaan ..... dipaparkan dibawah mengenai kehebatan Datuk Shake di arena antarabangsa ketahap global:

Monday March 15, 2004
Still shaking up the world

Close to 30 years of music from Datuk Shake gives you one impression .... a heady pop survivor. JASON CHEAH speaks to the venerable musical Datuk from Johor who lived in France and now in the United States.

Fact file

Name: Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad (aka Datuk Shake)

Age: Early 50s

Hometown: Johor Baru

Datuk Shake performing at Planet Hollywood in Kuala Lumpur last month. The musical Datuk, who has just released a new album called Keamanan (Peace), will be back in Malaysia soon to thrill his fans.
Education: Johor Baru. No tertiary education; vocal classes in England

Current base: Beverly Hills, California

Years spent abroad: Almost 30

THE music of Malaysian pop legend Datuk Shake was already hitting the European market during the disco fever craze in the mid-1970s.

And since then, 20 million unit sales of albums and singles in three languages – English, French and Malay – is an achievement few Malaysian pop stars can even dream of.

But a hiatus from the music studio realm for the last eight years might lead one to think that Shake has had his day.

The Datuk whose full name is Sheikh Abdullah is in his early 50s; he tends not to reveal his exact age. The last time he had an official album release in Malaysia was in 1996, although in 1997 a repackaged greatest hits compilation released in France called The Best of Shake sold 200,000 copies in that country.

Today the man is back, with a new album called Keamanan (Peace), just released under the new MCatalogue online format.

The album has been a long time coming for Shake, who is now based in Beverley Hills, California, where he lives with his wife and the younger two of their four children.

He was in town last month for a special one-night-only performance at Kuala Lumpur's Planet Hollywood which took place the night before this interview.

"The album was supposed to be released in 2001 but the 9/11 disaster delayed its release," Shake revealed.

"I came back with about 30 songs (for the album). It was quite hard to choose because most of the songs were quite good.

"Some of the songs – we managed to get the lyrics faster than for others. For the other songs the lyrics (of which) we didn't like, we changed them."

All in all, it took all those eight years in between album releases to finish it.

"I spent US$380,000 (RM1.44mil) because I did it from scratch from nothing to the mastering."

What helped him a lot was the fact that he had his own studio at home anyway.

"I also made a lot of friends in the industry in Hollywood and at the end we managed to choose 10 songs."

Nevertheless, if you do log on to www., you will find that it is an EP of five songs.

"The company asked me to sell the songs like that and the price is reasonable at RM10, which includes postage and delivery to your door."

The rest of the songs may turn up at a later date in another EP, he said..

"But we're looking at selling it in great volume," Shake explained.

"I don't like to say ‘fighting piracy' because it's a never-ending story, but if people want it cheap, then we sell it cheap.

"Of course, there's a limit and I hope the fans understand it's not easy to make good music with good production (quality). If we see the success of this one then we will know what direction we'll be going.

"My fans have even been asking me to remix my old songs and I thought of doing it too."

Things are looking up even in the first territory that Shake conquered as a pop star – France.

"My (former) French record company has been asking me too because it has been quite a while since I was in the market (there)."

He had at the time left that record label after a disagreement with his French producer.

"But at the end of the day because of demand from the fans, the radio stations had been playing old songs and also my songs and the producer heard it."

That was in 1997 when he brought the compilation out, without even Shake's knowledge. "He just ‘out' the cover on TV and remixed my songs and showed my old pictures and it had already sold 60,000 before he called me."

After he travelled to France and appearing on a few TV shows, sales shot up to hit the 200,000 mark.

Back on the subject of the new album, Shake continued:

"I called the album Keamanan because of the situation the world is in now. With the song Keamanan, in English it was originally called Peace in the Eastern Town, which was actually released on a CD EP which also included the song Nothing's New and Nothing's Changed.

"I wrote that (Keamanan) song before Sting wrote Desert Rose even. But it never came out on radio," he said, referring to the Arabic styling of the vocal trill in the songs. "I was working with producer Michael Sembello (of Maniac fame in the 1980s) and at the time he was already heading to World Music."

Even with the recent activity, it is no doubt a far cry from his heady peak days.

"Between 1976 and 1986, I used to release four singles and up to two albums per year. Back then, there were not so many artistes; (the music market) was not so overloaded and it was easy to sell one or two million copies."

No longer, since the output has slowed down since 1986.

However, any way you look at it, Shake's story is certainly one of rags to riches.

Born Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad in Johor Baru, he comes from a family of five brothers and seven sisters; he was the third youngest.

Shake found his individuality in singing and spent his teenage years plying the nightclub scene of his hometown, singing cover songs of Al Green, Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Elvis Presley and The Beatles, among others.

A proposed trip led to him packing his suitcase and leaving all he knew behind to travel thousands of miles to Europe in the mid-1970s.

His journey first brought him to England, where he studied with classical vocal coach John Dolby, mastering his vocal skills.

Then he was introduced to a French record company, which signed him up almost on the spot. His first single, You Know I Love You, was a huge success.

That was in 1976, and especially when he sang in a language he didn't even speak, for the single to hit No.1 was something of a miracle. They called him Shake there, since most Frenchmen couldn't pronounce the original spelling of his name.

His unique name and exotic looks set him apart from the crowd, but it was his voice and that made him one of the premier artistes in France then.

Over the years, his albums reached gold and platinum sales status in France and French-speaking countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, the Ivory Coast, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Back home, word began to spread that a young man from Johor was a pop star in France.

Shake was soon contacted by the late Sultan Ismail Sultan Ibrahim of Johor, asked to return home and be recognised for his tremendous accomplishment and was conferred a Datukship in 1979.

As Datuk Shake, he began his Malay music career, and as of today he is still one of only a handful of Asian singers to have reached stardom in another continent.

He was given the medal of L'art et de Lettre (In the Honor of Arts and Letters) for bringing the French language to an English-speaking country.

These days, in his current hometown of Beverly Hills, he is constantly working on projects related to music and entertainment.

Currently, Shake is still in Malaysia, preparing himself for a full-scale road show.

"I'll be working towards a tour here in April or end of March to do at least six towns in Malaysia, Brunei and even Singapore," he said.

And this time he should be accompanied by a full live band. "I have a choice of either getting French musicians or from the United States," he said..

But apparently it is more likely to be a band from France, because, "the really good local musicians have already been taken."

"After that I have to record a new French album. My French fans want it, and I've got to be in France to do that. When you're doing it, you've got to be in that environment."

But he still keeps tabs on the future of the Malaysian music industry, about which he seems to be cautiously optimistic.

"Takkan I balik sini I don't know who's No.1 and all," he said in typical style, meaning of course that when he comes back he has to know who is tops in the scene.

"I've got to be curious and alert to what's going on or I'll be left behind. After all, this is my business. I make it my business," he said.

"I want to see if there's a potential singer that can go far. I'm not selfish. A lot of them are good, but musical composition and direction is like a little bit here and there.

"It's all about packaging. I have seen potentials but it's not my right to tell who and who yet," he says of the current batch of up-and-coming artistes.

"A lot of our artistes are very good singers but they have to learn ‘power singing'. All they need is a good teacher."

And then, before he even thinks of making his way to France again, Shake is going back to California first.

"As a father, I have to go back to see my sons (soon)," the former heartthrob of thousands of young female fans said, laughing. The sons he was talking about are his 22-year-old twins, the younger of his four children.

"Both are still studying in Beverly Hills, one to be an actor and writer and one to be a movie director.

"My priority is my kids. All others can wait," he laughed again.

Originally published in The Star on Monday March 15, 2004

Monday May 14, 2007
Datuk Shake Diet and exercise key to his health
PETALING JAYA: Age is no barrier for the young at heart. That is the feeling of Datuk Shake, a popular singer in the 70s currently residing in Paris.

The fifty-something-year-old singer, who was here to entertain his fans at a Mother’s Day event at Seri Pacific Hotel yesterday, admitted that he did not like to talk about his age.

“I feel young forever, old age seems like you want to retire...”

The singer, famous for his songs Ummi, Pulanglah, Kau Bungaku and Anugerah Dari Kegagalan has no problem taking care of himself by eating a healthy diet and exercising in the gym.

However, he was not shy about talking about his five grandchildren.

Still shakin’: Datuk Shake entertaining fans at a Mother’s Day event at a hotel in Petaling Jaya yesterday.
“Having each grandchild was a beautiful moment. It’s like having a child. The feeling is almost the same. Children brighten up our lives,” the Johor-born artiste said.
Datuk Shake comes from a big family that includes five brothers and seven sisters. He is also Sports Minister Datuk Azalina Othman Said’s uncle.

He is the third amongst his siblings and Azalina’s mother, Salmah Ahmad, is Datuk Shake’s elder sister.

Datuk Shake left for England to expand his career, tutored under famous classical vocal teacher John Dolby in the 70s and was later introduced to a French recoding company.

His first hit, You Know I Love You in French, reached gold and platinum status and was a best seller in many European countries.

That was also the time that the name Datuk Shake was coined as the French found it hard to pronounce his given name, Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad.

The ‘low-profile’ singer is proud of his mother tongue although he had received an award L’art et de Lettre (In the Honour of Arts and Letters) for introducing the French language in English speaking countries..

“I love my language. It’s my language. Where I am I will show them what my language is,” he said.

When asked whether he would come back to Malaysia to stay here, Datuk Shake said he has many responsibilities now with his music career and also an apparel business.

“It’s not that I don’t miss my home, just that I’m tied with my responsibilities. My main priorities are now my wife (Datin Milena) and my children.


Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad)

Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Bakhbereh
or popularly known as Datuk Shake is a popular Malaysian singer in the local Malay music scene. A Hadrami by descent (Hadramout, Yemen), Sheikh is from Johor, Malaysia but is now based in Beverly Hills, California with his wife and the younger two of their four children. He came from a big family of five brothers and seven sisters, in which he was the third youngest.
Sheikh spent his teenage years singing at his hometown's nightclub where he performed cover versions of songs by Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Elvis Presley and The Beatles. He went to Europe in the mid-1970s and England was his first stop, where he studied with classical vocal coach, John Dolby.

In 1976, he was introduced to a French record company, which released his first hit single, You Know I Love You. During this period, his albums actually reached gold and platinum sales status in France.

Sheikh was conferred a Datukship in 1979 by the late Sultan Ismail Sultan Ibrahim of Johor.

Sheikh is the maternal uncle of Datuk Azalina Othman Said, the Malaysian Minister for Youth and Sports, whose mother, Salmah Ahmad is Sheikh's sister.


Monday March 15, 2004
Still shaking up the world

Close to 30 years of music from Datuk Shake gives you one impression ... a heady pop survivor. JASON CHEAH speaks to the venerable musical Datuk from Johor who lived in France and now in the United States.

Fact file

Name: Datuk Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad (aka Datuk Shake)

Age: Early 50s

Hometown: Johor Baru

Datuk Shake performing at Planet Hollywood in Kuala Lumpur last month. The musical Datuk, who has just released a new album called Keamanan (Peace), will be back in Malaysia soon to thrill his fans.
Education: Johor Baru. No tertiary education; vocal classes in England

Current base: Beverly Hills, California

Years spent abroad: Almost 30

THE music of Malaysian pop legend Datuk Shake was already hitting the European market during the disco fever craze in the mid-1970s.

And since then, 20 million unit sales of albums and singles in three languages – English, French and Malay – is an achievement few Malaysian pop stars can even dream of.

But a hiatus from the music studio realm for the last eight years might lead one to think that Shake has had his day.

The Datuk whose full name is Sheikh Abdullah is in his early 50s; he tends not to reveal his exact age. The last time he had an official album release in Malaysia was in 1996, although in 1997 a repackaged greatest hits compilation released in France called The Best of Shake sold 200,000 copies in that country.

Today the man is back, with a new album called Keamanan (Peace), just released under the new MCatalogue online format.

The album has been a long time coming for Shake, who is now based in Beverley Hills, California, where he lives with his wife and the younger two of their four children.

He was in town last month for a special one-night-only performance at Kuala Lumpur's Planet Hollywood which took place the night before this interview.

"The album was supposed to be released in 2001 but the 9/11 disaster delayed its release," Shake revealed.

"I came back with about 30 songs (for the album). It was quite hard to choose because most of the songs were quite good.

"Some of the songs – we managed to get the lyrics faster than for others. For the other songs the lyrics (of which) we didn't like, we changed them."

All in all, it took all those eight years in between album releases to finish it.

"I spent US$380,000 (RM1.44mil) because I did it from scratch from nothing to the mastering."

What helped him a lot was the fact that he had his own studio at home anyway.

"I also made a lot of friends in the industry in Hollywood and at the end we managed to choose 10 songs."

Nevertheless, if you do log on to www., you will find that it is an EP of five songs.

"The company asked me to sell the songs like that and the price is reasonable at RM10, which includes postage and delivery to your door."

The rest of the songs may turn up at a later date in another EP, he said.

"But we're looking at selling it in great volume," Shake explained.

"I don't like to say ‘fighting piracy' because it's a never-ending story, but if people want it cheap, then we sell it cheap.

"Of course, there's a limit and I hope the fans understand it's not easy to make good music with good production (quality). If we see the success of this one then we will know what direction we'll be going.

"My fans have even been asking me to remix my old songs and I thought of doing it too."

Things are looking up even in the first territory that Shake conquered as a pop star – France.

"My (former) French record company has been asking me too because it has been quite a while since I was in the market (there)."

He had at the time left that record label after a disagreement with his French producer.

"But at the end of the day because of demand from the fans, the radio stations had been playing old songs and also my songs and the producer heard it."

That was in 1997 when he brought the compilation out, without even Shake's knowledge. "He just ‘out' the cover on TV and remixed my songs and showed my old pictures and it had already sold 60,000 before he called me."

After he travelled to France and appearing on a few TV shows, sales shot up to hit the 200,000 mark.

Back on the subject of the new album, Shake continued:

"I called the album Keamanan because of the situation the world is in now. With the song Keamanan, in English it was originally called Peace in the Eastern Town, which was actually released on a CD EP which also included the song Nothing's New and Nothing's Changed.

"I wrote that (Keamanan) song before Sting wrote Desert Rose even. But it never came out on radio," he said, referring to the Arabic styling of the vocal trill in the songs. "I was working with producer Michael Sembello (of Maniac fame in the 1980s) and at the time he was already heading to World Music."

Even with the recent activity, it is no doubt a far cry from his heady peak days.

"Between 1976 and 1986, I used to release four singles and up to two albums per year. Back then, there were not so many artistes; (the music market) was not so overloaded and it was easy to sell one or two million copies."

No longer, since the output has slowed down since 1986.

However, any way you look at it, Shake's story is certainly one of rags to riches.

Born Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad in Johor Baru, he comes from a family of five brothers and seven sisters; he was the third youngest.

Shake found his individuality in singing and spent his teenage years plying the nightclub scene of his hometown, singing cover songs of Al Green, Tom Jones, Stevie Wonder, Elvis Presley and The Beatles, among others.

A proposed trip led to him packing his suitcase and leaving all he knew behind to travel thousands of miles to Europe in the mid-1970s.

His journey first brought him to England, where he studied with classical vocal coach John Dolby, mastering his vocal skills.

Then he was introduced to a French record company, which signed him up almost on the spot. His first single, You Know I Love You, was a huge success.

That was in 1976, and especially when he sang in a language he didn't even speak, for the single to hit No.1 was something of a miracle. They called him Shake there, since most Frenchmen couldn't pronounce the original spelling of his name.

His unique name and exotic looks set him apart from the crowd, but it was his voice and that made him one of the premier artistes in France then.

Over the years, his albums reached gold and platinum sales status in France and French-speaking countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, the Ivory Coast, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Back home, word began to spread that a young man from Johor was a pop star in France.

Shake was soon contacted by the late Sultan Ismail Sultan Ibrahim of Johor, asked to return home and be recognised for his tremendous accomplishment and was conferred a Datukship in 1979.

As Datuk Shake, he began his Malay music career, and as of today he is still one of only a handful of Asian singers to have reached stardom in another continent.

He was given the medal of L'art et de Lettre (In the Honor of Arts and Letters) for bringing the French language to an English-speaking country.

These days, in his current hometown of Beverly Hills, he is constantly working on projects related to music and entertainment.

Currently, Shake is still in Malaysia, preparing himself for a full-scale road show.

"I'll be working towards a tour here in April or end of March to do at least six towns in Malaysia, Brunei and even Singapore," he said.

And this time he should be accompanied by a full live band. "I have a choice of either getting French musicians or from the United States," he said.

But apparently it is more likely to be a band from France, because, "the really good local musicians have already been taken."

"After that I have to record a new French album. My French fans want it, and I've got to be in France to do that. When you're doing it, you've got to be in that environment."

But he still keeps tabs on the future of the Malaysian music industry, about which he seems to be cautiously optimistic.

"Takkan I balik sini I don't know who's No.1 and all," he said in typical style, meaning of course that when he comes back he has to know who is tops in the scene.

"I've got to be curious and alert to what's going on or I'll be left behind. After all, this is my business. I make it my business," he said.

"I want to see if there's a potential singer that can go far. I'm not selfish. A lot of them are good, but musical composition and direction is like a little bit here and there.

"It's all about packaging. I have seen potentials but it's not my right to tell who and who yet," he says of the current batch of up-and-coming artistes.

"A lot of our artistes are very good singers but they have to learn ‘power singing'. All they need is a good teacher."

And then, before he even thinks of making his way to France again, Shake is going back to California first.

"As a father, I have to go back to see my sons (soon)," the former heartthrob of thousands of young female fans said, laughing. The sons he was talking about are his 22-year-old twins, the younger of his four children.

"Both are still studying in Beverly Hills, one to be an actor and writer and one to be a movie director.

"My priority is my kids. All others can wait," he laughed again.

Originally published in The Star on Monday March 15, 2004


Glaring discrepancies revealed in Selcat probe
Posted by admin
Wednesday, 09 September 2009 01:01
Written by Chan Kok Leong, The Edge

It was not meant to be a witch-hunt but by the end of the first day of the public inquiry, it was apparent that anomalies abound in the way Selangor assemblymen spent their allocations.

Even the district officer for Gombak, Huzaini Samsi, agreed.

During the four-hour inquiry, district officers Huzaini and Datuk Zulkepli Ahmad (Petaling district) were grilled by the Selangor Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat).

In both districts, most of the state allocations for assemblymen were fully utilised. Some had even exceeded the allocations.

In Selangor, state assemblymen are each given a RM500,000 allocation to be spent on their constituencies while state executive councillors get a RM600,000 budget.

According to Huzaini, who joined Gombak in July 2007, the spending was “extraordinary”.

Candid and frank in his testimony, Huzaini said that it was difficult to reject an assemblyman’s request for funds and hence the no-questions-asked approvals were given by his office.

When asked by Saari Sungib (Ulu Kelang) if he thought that the funds were used to fund election campaigns, Huzaini said: “The possibility is there.”

Pressed by Azmin Ali (Bukit Antarabangsa) on whether it was right, Huzaini said it was “morally wrong”.

The Land Office chief also admitted that it was extraordinary that a year’s allocation would be spent within two months.

“But there are no limitations or rules to say that the allocation cannot be finished within two months,” he added. “As long as the application meets the criteria, we cannot reject it.”

But Huzaini denied that there was direct pressure from anyone to approve the applications. “We are not pressured but we don’t want any confrontation with the assemblymen,” he added, saying that it was a Catch-22 situation. It was hard to approve but difficult to reject.”

Selcat chairman Teng Chang Khim (Sg Pinang) reminded Huzaini to report to the committee if any assemblymen were to pressure his office to approve applications for state allocations.

In the Batu Caves state seat under the Gombak district, 90 applications for RM496,509.48 were made on Feb 12, 2008. Of these, 57 (RM196,510) were paid on Feb 15, 2008 while three (RM10,000) were paid on Feb 20. The remaining 30 (RM290,000) were paid on Feb 21.

District officer for Petaling, Zulkepli asked for more time to explain the anomalies in his district.

When asked why approvals were given after the state assembly had already been dissolved on Feb 13, 2008, Zulkepli said that the expenditure and the programme had already been conducted.

“We were only paying out after the expenditure was already made,” he added.

Apart from the anomaly that most of the state allocation for assemblymen in 2008 were already fully utilised before last year’s general election, there were also payments being made to single person and overspending.

In Datuk Lim Yuen Keong’s Sri Kembangan for instance, expenditure had exceeded by RM63,500. And of the 150 applications for funds made, 145 were paid out to him.

In Paya Jaras, all 165 applications for funds (RM504,500) were paid out to the assemblyman Muhammad Bushro Mat Johor.

Another discrepancy was over the use of allocation to pay for the assemblyman’s office.

While each assemblyman is allocated RM1,000 each month, Taman Medan, Batu Tiga, Seri Setia, Sri Serdang, Paya Jaras, Sri Kembangan, Bukit Lanjan, Kg Tunku and Damansara Utama had already made claims for the full year.

Directing his question to Zulkepli, Teng asked if the Land Office had asked the former assemblymen to return the sum.

“We’ve written to them but they haven’t paid us back yet,” said Zulkepli’s assistant Yahya Hassan.

“Maybe, the land office should try to use legal means to get back the money,” said Teng.

Because of the many discrepancies, both district officers were given two weeks to return with the proper documents.

Besides Teng, Azmin and Saari, the other Selcat members are Selangor deputy speaker Hanizah Mohd Talha (Taman Medan) and Edward Lee (Bukit Gasing).

The public inquiry began yesterday and is scheduled to end Monday.


Fakta Menarik Untuk Difikir juzuk enam belas
Posted on Tuesday, September 08 @ 13:57:40 PDT by KetamBatu

Artikel Oleh: RASHITT


ASSALAMUALAIKUM.. Sementara melayan atau terlayan dengan mengantuk kita lihat fakta bukan auta ini..

1. Ingatkan lepas SPR umumkan kejayaannya menyekat PRK di Kedah, SPR dah selamat, rupanya tak sempat BERFIKIR kena pula terlibat dengan PRK di Negeri Sembilan..Lepas ni kalau nak ada PRK lagi, kita boleh gunakan kaedah ini..

2. Jika sebelum ini PRK diadakan dikawasan PR, Speaker dan kita terpaksa menuggu kata putus dari SPR bila tarikh nak diadakan PRK, tapi bila berlaku kekosongan di kawasan parti utamanya BN, SPR pula kena tunggu suarat dari Speaker..kenapa ye..

3. Secara mudahnya BN dah pun mempunyai 5000 undi melalui undi Pos dan ini telah pun disahkan oleh SPR melalui ayat berikut " Mana ada kita paksa anggota mengundi parti mana,tak ada..tak ada..itu bukan kuasa kita, cuma kita dan merekapun tahu parti mana yang mereka pangkah semasa mengundi nanti, Tiada rahsia antara kita ,itu saja, jadi tuduhan pembangkang kurang tepatlah"..

4. Didalam Malaysiakini, walaupun cuba dipertahankan oleh Cammudin, geng kapla lembu tetap juga akan didakwa..Masalahnya..tetiba mereka tak dapat dikesan,sedangkan video bergambar terang lagi bersuluh ada dimana-mana, ataupun mereka sudah menukar wajah mereka...

5. Semasa pakatan pembangkang jadi pembangkang di Selangor, tidak pula ada kecoh-kecoh seperti sekarang ni, tapi bila PR dapat perintah, pembangkang BN jadi tak tentu hala..aik!! kata Demokrasi ?..

6. Jika anda imbas kembali, peristiwa 13 Mei bermula di Selangor, dan adakah ini cubaan yang cuba direncanakan oleh UMNO untuk mengulangi sejarah hitam negara dan PR bakal disalahkan?..Sepatutnya iniah peluang UMNO Selangor nak muhasabah diri dan mendekati jiwa rakyat, bukan membuat dibenci rakyat..

7. Jika kita perhatikan dan rajin buat kaji selidik,jawapan dan ulasan yang diberikan oleh pemimpin UMNO Selangor semuanya Auta, tidak ada satupun fakta..tak caya cuba rujuk..

8. Kalau kita perhatikan tindakan Pewaris yang entah macam mana boleh muncul macam parti politik baru yang tiba-tiba menyokong HuduD dilaksanakan,tetapi daam masa yang sama mengeluarkan Banner Take Bear semasa demo kapla lembu tempoh hari..pelik bukan?..

9. Apakah bentuk kempen yang akan digunakan oleh BN di Bagan Pinang nanti..adakah sama seperti corak dan teknik kempen sebelum ni iaitu " Jalan rayo tu BN yang buek?..Bangunan pencako langit kek kelompo tu BN gak yang buek..Sekolah,masjid semua ey BN yang buek jang oi!! Mano ado Pas buat!!! Sudahlah jangan guna kempen jenis ini lagi..Tak Up To Date Langsung!!! Ubahlah pendekatan kita dah dalam zaman moden dah ni..

10. Anda cuba tanya ada tak sesiapa tak kenal Samy vello,pasti jawapnya ramai yang kenal ..macam mana kita yang dah boring dengan dirinya,tambahan lagi orang MIC..tapi kalau dia tak buat macam ni,tidak lah dinamakan Samy velu..

11. Berbalik kepada kes Selangor dengan isu air, rupanya kerajaan tidak meretui dan bersetuju Selangor bagi air percuma..isk..isk..sedih betul..patutlah kerajaan sekarang mengamalkan sistem parti BN..Barang Naik, Biar Naik, Bagi Naik..kekadang rasa untung rakyat Singapura..

12. Ali Parlimen Rompin dilantik sebagai duta Amreka bukanlah satu isu yang besar untuk diperdebatkan, cuma menjadi kemuskilan "YANG MENGUNDI BELIAU SEBAGAI AHLI PARLIMEN ROMPIN PELAJAR DAN RAKYAT MALAYSIA DI AMREKA KER ATAU RAKYAT ROMPIN ?..Saya betul ker atau orang ramai yang betul..!!!

13. Kita rasa lega bila Cik Gani tahil sudi mendakwa geng kapla lembu, cuma timbul keraguan munasabah, takut esok dikonar,dilipat,dicekik tu-tup orang PR pulak yang kena dakwa..biasalah sekarang ni.orang mencuri lembu tidak kena tangkap, yang pergi repot lembu hilang itu yang ditangkap..